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STRANGE FIRE – Assessing the Vineyard Movement and the Toronto Blessing

StrangeFireCov2What is happening in the Charismatic Renewal movement? Is it biblical?

What happened in 1994 at the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship?

Why do people continue to shake, laugh uproariously or fall down?

Why did the Vineyard churches withdraw from their Toronto church?

Did what happened reflect events in historical revivals?

What about prophecy? What about signs and wonders? Is this mass hypnosis?

Strange Fire? considers the Vineyard Movement, the Toronto Blessing, and the Pensacola Renewal at the Brownsville Assembly of God.

Eric Wright evaluates the assumptions underlying all the excitement manifest in the Charismatic Renewal movement.


What Reviewers Are Saying:

“This book is a bombshell.” English Churchman

“Exactly on the right track… a book much needed today.” Dr. James Boice

“A thorough assessment.” European Christian Book Journal

“The best study of this movement available.” Dr. John Armstrong

“I enthusiastically recommend this wonderful new resource.” Dr. John MacArthur

“One of the best researched books I have ever read.” Grover Crosby, Partners International

Other sites that address the Toronto Blessing:


Published by Evangelical Press, England

Special Price: $30 CDN; $30 US
Collector’s Item: This book is now out of print and being sold used on Amazon for up to $50!

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